Tuesday, August 16, 2016
The Rains Came
Phew! I haven't ridden since Saturday. Steady rain every day since then. Reduced to watching the Olympics and moping around. I did manage to put together a tutorial for the Joomla mtr web site for Steve. We really needed the rain and the corn is now much happier, not to mention the garden. It would be nice if this rain pushed up the water level in the Stillwater so we can kayak again. Before the rains came I got in a couple of days of fly fishing, one with Rob. He is too energetic for me and have trouble keeping up as he wanders upstream.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Fishing the Stillwater
Fly fishing the Stillwater this morning. A little cooler than it has been (69). I caught a Blue Gill and saw a Bald Eagle. Saturday I finally got back on the bike after 4 days off. Down a little on power, but still a good ride. Rode the tandem Sunday (Ditmer-long). Terry is getting pretty strong, but she tires after 10-15 miles.
Friday, August 5, 2016
Lazy Friday?
Well..... took the Lotus out for a good run of around 20 miles. Running pretty well but with a slight hard to see misfire at 5000 rpm. Terry and I went down to the river with Bailey to the spot I've cleared the entrance to. We just waded and talked and sat and listened to the quiet. Bailey wandered off and rolled in a dead animal somewher and we had to hose him down when we got back.
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Clearing the Brush
Since my foray onto the river was so great yesterday I decided to clear a path to make it easier to get to the river with shorts and sandals and to possibly launch the kayak. Loaded the truck up with weeding tools, clippers and the chain saw i headed out. My first try was a little embarrassing, as I was starting to weed the wrong path, but I got that corrected quickly and made a nice path to a quiet stretch of the river.
Flying the Stillwater
I'm taking the week off from the bike to let my aches and pains heal, so it's a good time to do some fly fishing. I fished a new stretch of the Stillwater which was gorgeous. No people, no bugs, tree lined and pretty shallow. I got a few bites but mostly just soaked up the quiet. It took me a fair amount of time to find my way in to the river through the underbrush.
Monday, August 1, 2016
End of July
Yesterday was pretty busy. The usual Sunday morning stuff with pancakes. 20 miles in the Lotus (drove to Bradford). Short 20 mile tandem ride (the weather for the ride was really good, though it got hot later), drove to Fultons for some sweet corn, watched the F1 German Grand Prix. Just relaxed in the afternoon.
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