Saturday, December 8, 2012


Spinning Down The Drain

The spinning class is really taking me down.  I'm getting to the high 150's in HR even though the watts are pretty low.  I had to stop once and rest I was so hammered.  This class used to be easy even if I got up over 160.  Bruce is coming over to help me calibrate the watts on the trainer.  There is a huge discrepency between my trainer and the Y's spinning bikes.  I only averaged 116 watts at 136 BPM.  On my trainer that would have been closer to 280 watts.  I;m slowly getting stronger though.  I was surprised last week when I got over 150 and this week I was in the 150's quite a bit.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Threshold Time Again

After my disastrous fall rides it was time to start getting serious about slowing the decline.  Foe 3 or 4 weeks I have been doing more and more intensity.  I tried to do a threshold a couple of weeks ago, but just didn't feel right so I did some more training rides.  Yesterday I finally felt fit enough to try again.  It went well.  I managed 260 watt at 131 BPM.  This translates to around 234 watts as a 1 hour threshold value.  This is more than the 220 watts that I did last Feb and only slightly less that the 264 watts that I did after 6 weeks of cyclo90 workouts in April.  So I am starting from a fairly good base and should be able to improve to somewhere around 280 watts by March.

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